Normal Delivery Vs C-Section - Which one is the best for you?

Pregnancy is a high point for a woman and is probably a reset button for everything in her life . An exhilarating experience it is!
Not to mention, pregnancy as a journey itself is a blend of overwhelming and complex emotions and situations. And it turns out to be even more daunting when by the end of the trimesters, you need to choose and decide upon a delivery method.
This brings you to the million-dollar question:
Normal delivery Vs. C-Section – Which is the best?
Before getting on to a conclusion, it is essential to know about the brighter sides of both techniques.
What is normal delivery?
Normal delivery is where a full-term newborn baby (37-42 weeks from the mother’s last menstrual period) is delivered through the vagina without the aid of forceps or a vacuum.
Benefits of normal delivery
Faster recovery and hospital discharge
In the case of vaginal delivery, mothers are allowed to leave the hospital within 24 to 48 hours. While hard exercises are not recommended for more than 6 weeks, the mother can go about her normal duties. The surgical scar from a c-section delivery might take up to ten weeks to heal, whereas that is not the case in vaginal delivery.
Chances of secondary infection are less
Hygiene and sanitation are required for either method of birthing. However, infection chances in a vaginal delivery are much lesser as there is no surgery involved as such. Since there is no incision or wound involved, the patient heals faster with lesser complications.
Breastfeeding can start earlier
Scarring, significant bleeding, drug responses, and long-term pain are all less likely with vaginal delivery. Because the mother is healthier and more active, she can start breastfeeding her baby early on.
Fewer chances of future complications
Studies reveal that vaginal deliveries pose a lesser risk of infertility in the future. Also, there are fewer instances of stillbirths, placenta ruptures, or miscarriages in later pregnancies.
Lower chances of the baby having respiratory issues
When a baby is born vaginally, the muscles involved assisting in the removal of fluids from the newborn’s lungs. Hormonal exchanges also occur at this time, which strengthens the child’s immune system.
What is C-Section?
Cesarean or C-Section delivery is a medical procedure that allows babies to be delivered through a horizontal or vertical incision on the mother’s belly. The operation is mostly recommended when normal delivery would pose a threat to the mother’s and baby’s lives.
Benefits of C-Section
Shorter labor phase
On average, mothers are in labor for 6 to 8 hours during vaginal delivery. Vaginal delivery is excruciatingly painful, tiring, and physically demanding. C-sections, on the other hand, are less painful and take less time. One can schedule the operation with their doctor and have it completed comfortably.
No vaginal tissue damage
Vaginal tissue tears and overstretching are quite common in vaginal births. It may also cause prolonged pelvic pain. But in C-section, there is almost no harm to the vaginal tissues.
Prevents urinary inconsistencies
Weakening of pelvic muscles during vaginal childbirth might result in urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. C-section mothers have a lower risk of pelvic injury and problems.
Safer delivery
C-sections are performed by trained surgeons who are knowledgeable about both mother and baby care. During a c-section birth, newborn damage can be minimized if the size or weight of the baby is larger.
Having stated all the above facts, both birth techniques are unique in their own ways. They have their own pros and cons. Women should be well-informed in the best possible manner about their childbirth alternatives. They should be able to advocate for what they want and make suitable decisions. Also, your doctor is the best person to suggest and recommend the best. Any technique chosen will have a strong reason behind it.
Many a time, C-section surgery is considered to be an emergency procedure, but that’s not true. Such surgeries may be scheduled in advance if women want to have their deliveries on a particular date after completing their gestation period. C-sections can be undertaken by your gynecologist if there is more than one baby, there is a placenta complication, or the baby’s size is too large, and many other reasons. Whatever the reason, you need to trust your ob-gyn for the optimum solution.
Want to have an unbiased discussion about delivery options?
Our ObGyne expert Dr. Mustafa Aldam is highly specialized in gynecology and obstetric care and has been rendering his services for 20 long years.
Apart from being proficient at all types of surgeries, he is also quite compassionate at guiding individuals when it comes to pregnancy. He keeps a check on your symptoms and clarifies your doubts and questions that you may have through various antenatal appointments. Dr. Mustafa ensures that you are curated with proper maternity guidelines and precautions so that you make a well-informed decision about delivery options.
Make an appointment to learn more!